The Exellence Initiative
How to Create Generational Freedom & Legacy
by Building Your Family Bank

"TIME is the most important variable in building wealth. Use it wisely."

On your wealth journey, it is inevitable that you will come across the "Negro Naysayer". These are people who say things like "You're never going to have any money because you don't have any right now" or that "It takes money to make money and you don't have any." It's easy to fall for their seductive pessimism, but I have a secret for you: There are ways to plant financial seeds right now that will benefit your family for many generations to come. This FREE lecture will show you how.
What You Will Learn
Why every investor needs sources of capital & lines of credit and how to build them.
How trusts, wills, and estates are key to establishing your family's immortality.
How Lebron James explains everything that you need to know about money.
How true wealth-builders turn baby wealth into grown up wealth in a matter of years.
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Who This is For
Parents who want their children to be better off financially and have more life options than they did.
Anyone who wants to leave a positive financial legacy for future generations.
Young people who want to make good decisions now so that they don't have to struggle in life as they get older.

"NEVER believe that you were born to be an economic victim."
Who This is For
Dr. Boyce Watkins is one of the worlds leading financial scholars and social commentators. He advocates for education, economic empowerment and social justice and has changed the definition of what it means to be a Black scholar and leader in America. Dr. Watkins is one of the founding fathers of the field of Financial Activism – The objective of creating social change through the use of conscientious capitalism. Through this work, he founded The Black Business School, which helps African-Americans obtain a culturally relevant, practical, and low-cost education in all things wealth building.
In addition to publishing a multitude of books and articles on finance, education and black social commentary, Dr. Watkins has presented his message to millions making regular appearances in various national media outlets, including CNN, Good Morning America, MSNBC, The Breakfast Club, BET, NPR, and Essence Magazine.
Educationally, Dr. Watkins earned BA and BS degrees with a triple major in Finance, Economics and Business Management. He then earned a Masters Degree in Mathematical Statistics from University of Kentucky and a PhD in Finance from Ohio State University and was the only African-American in the world to earn a PHD in Finance during the year 2002.
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